How to Turn Your Side Hustle Into a Successful Startup

Six steps to evolve your side gig into a game-changer

Joe Procopio
The Startup


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If it seems like everyone has a second job these days, that’s actually not too far from the truth. It’s never been easier to start a side hustle than it is right now. The question is: Can you turn your part-time gig into a sustainable, scalable business?

The concept of a side-hustle is not at all new. It exists in every profession and vocation from lawn care and auto mechanics to accounting and education to coding and sales.

Across modern business history, there have always been entrepreneurial personalities who break away from their big company roots to take on side projects. Those projects grow into a side business, then that side business becomes a real company, then that company grows, then the process starts all over again.

What’s happened over the last couple of years is that technology has fueled the consumer’s desire for convenience and the entrepreneurial spirit’s quest for independence. What started with Uber and the implied promise of anyone earning extra side income evolved into entire industries of DIY businesses, a lot of which don’t even require you to quit your job or even leave your home.



Joe Procopio
The Startup

I'm a multi-exit, multi-failure entrepreneur. NLG pioneer. Building & GROWERS. Write at and More at