How To Use Predictive Keywords To Rank Faster on Google

My complete system to rank higher and earn more online

Christopher Kokoski
The Startup


Blogger discovers future SEO keywords in a crystal ball’s glow — Predictive Keywords
I made this image with ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Canva — Credit

Believe it or not, you hold the power to leap to the forefront of Google’s mind, to command the waves of search trends before they even crest. You can know what people are going to be freaking out about months or years before it happens.

I’ve found a way. Yes, I’m talking about a digital goldmine.

You know that one friend who’s always ahead of the latest trends? Now you’re the friend, except you’re predicting viral ideas to win the SEO game and make more money.

Here is how I use predictive keywords to rank faster (and higher) on Google.

What Exactly Are Predictive Keywords?

Imagine having a crystal ball that tells you what your audience will search for next month or even next year.

Predictive keywords are kind of like that. They are the phrases and questions you bet will become popular soon, based on what’s trending or emerging in your niche.

Why bother?

Because timing is everything. If you nail the right keywords before they peak in popularity, your content gets to ride the wave early on. This means less competition and more visibility as the trend catches on.

And that’s digital money in your virtual bank.

How to Spot Them

First off, keep your ear to the ground.

What’s buzzing in your industry? Any breakthrough products or emerging trends? Those are your cues.

Use tools like Google Trends to see what’s heating up. It shows you what people are starting to show interest in, allowing you to craft content that answers the questions they’re just beginning to ask.

I’ll share other tools in a moment.

But the key is to know what keywords work now (and in the past) and then predict that people will ask those same types of keywords about new ideas, topics, and products.

Putting Predictive Keywords to Work

Here’s my simple plan on how to find and use predictive keywords:

  1. Research and Collect Historical Questions: Begin by analyzing the questions your audience has asked in the past about existing or past topics, products, and trends in your niche. Tools like AnswerThePublic, Exploding Topics, and even Reddit can provide insights into the common types of questions people ask.
  2. Predict Future Questions: Based on your research, start predicting the types of questions that will be asked about new ideas, products, and trends emerging in your niche. This will help you identify potential predictive keywords before they become highly competitive. Focus on the “Who, What, Why, How, Where, When” framework, along with comparisons, alternatives, and “best X of Y” type content.
  3. Be First, or At Least Early: The goal is to create content around these predictive keywords before they hit their peak popularity. If you can’t be the first, aim to be among the early adopters. Being first gives you a significant advantage in terms of establishing domain authority and gaining backlinks as the trend grows.
  4. Diversify Your Keyword Strategy: While predictive keywords can give you an edge, they come with their share of risks since not all predictions may pay off. To mitigate this, balance your content strategy with a mix of current high-volume keywords and predictive keywords. This approach means you have a steady stream of traffic while experimenting with potential trends.
  5. Learn from Wins and Losses: Not every predictive keyword will turn into a traffic goldmine, and that’s okay. Analyze the performance of your content to understand which predictions worked and why. This analysis will refine your ability to spot lucrative, high-volume, or high-conversion predictive keywords over time.
  6. Optimize Content Regularly: As trends evolve and new information becomes available, update your content to keep it relevant and valuable. This not only helps maintain your rankings but also reinforces your authority on the topic.
  7. Engage with Your Community: Stay engaged with your audience through comments, social media, and forums. This direct line of communication can offer early signals about shifting interests or emerging questions, providing you with additional predictive insights.
  8. Monitor Trends Religiously: Use tools like Google Trends, social media listening platforms, and industry news feeds to stay on top of what’s happening in your niche. Sometimes I even browse online marketplaces like Amazon for new or popular products. This ongoing vigilance is key to spotting the next big thing before it becomes mainstream.
  9. Experiment and Iterate: The digital landscape is always changing, and flexibility is your best asset. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of predictive content to see what resonates best with your audience. Iteration is the name of the game.

If you’re wondering how you make money, here’s your answer: By adding display ads to your content, adding affiliate marketing links to your content, and selling your own products in your content.

Examples to Inspire You

Ok, let’s now go over some more specific examples to help you apply predictive keywords to your blogging strategy:

Tech Bloggers: The Next Big Thing in Gadgets

Imagine a new virtual reality (VR) headset is about to launch. Beyond the basics, you might predict and create content around:

  • Setup and Compatibility: “How to set up the new VR headset with different devices?”
  • Performance Comparison: “New VR headset vs. existing models: Which offers a better VR experience?”
  • Application Use Cases: “Top 10 applications for the new VR headset in education and entertainment.”

Health and Wellness Bloggers: Navigating Emerging Trends

With a surge in plant-based diets, you could explore:

  • Nutritional Guides: “Complete nutritional guide to starting a plant-based diet.”
  • Transition Tips: “How to transition to a plant-based diet without feeling overwhelmed.”
  • Myth Debunking: “Debunking common myths about protein sources in plant-based diets.”

Fashion Bloggers: Eco-Friendly Fashion

As sustainability becomes more important:

  • Sustainable Brands: “Top sustainable fashion brands to watch in [Year].”
  • Eco-Friendly Materials: “What are eco-friendly materials, and why are they better?”
  • Thrift Shopping Guides: “How to find high-quality pieces while thrift shopping.”

Financial Bloggers: Cryptocurrency and Digital Finance

With the evolving landscape of digital finance:

  • Crypto for Beginners: “Understanding cryptocurrency: A beginner’s guide to digital currency.”
  • Investment Strategies: “How to diversify your investment with cryptocurrency.”
  • Blockchain Technology: “Blockchain and its impact on the future of digital transactions.”

Travel Bloggers: New Hot Spot

As the world adjusts to new norms:

  • Safe Travel Guides: “Top 10 things to do in [hot spot].”
  • Budget Travel: “How to plan a budget-friendly trip to [the hotspot] in [Year].”
  • Local Tourism: “Exploring hidden gems: Why local tourism is the new trend in [Hot Spot].”

Food Bloggers: The Rise of Alternative Foods

With a growing interest in alternative food sources:

  • Insect Protein: “Insect protein: The future of sustainable eating?”
  • Meal Kits Reviews: “The best meal kits for alternative diets in [Year].”
  • Cooking Techniques: “How to cook cheap meals fast with plant-based meat alternatives.”

DIY and Home Improvement Bloggers: Smart Homes

As smart home technologies advance:

  • Installation Guides: “Step-by-step guide to installing your first smart toilet.”
  • Product Comparisons: “Comparing the top smart toilet systems of [Year].”
  • Troubleshooting: “The Top 5 Biggest Problems With Smart Toilets (and How to Fix Them)”

Final Thoughts

With practice, patience, and a keen eye on your niche’s pulse, you’ll get better at forecasting the next big questions. And when you do, your content will be ready and waiting to greet an eager audience searching for answers.

Thanks for reading!

Read all my articles about finding better keywords here



Christopher Kokoski
The Startup

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