How to wake up before your alarm wakes you

Dheine Rami
3 min readApr 14, 2018

Raw #4

If you’ve been following me, you should know that I dropped out of college 2 years ago. There were many reasons that justified dropping out of college. One of them was waking up.

I know. What does waking up has to do with college? Everything.

Let me explain.

The first few months I started going to college, I thought it was the best way for me to find my purpose and be successful. That’s what everyone told me. But as the days went by, I started to doubt the system until one day I couldn’t justify going to college anymore.

Everything I do, I do it for a reason. And if I don’t believe in something anymore, I can’t see myself doing it and even less succeed.

There was a period where I was only going to college because my parent wanted it. That’s when I started to struggle waking up. I was not driven by anything, waking up at 7 am to go to college was the most painful thing to me.

That’s when I realised I couldn’t stay in college, I had to leave and find the thing that gets me up everyday. I don’t want to force myself to wake up. I want to wake up before the alarm.

But how do you do that? How do you get so driven that you don’t need an alarm anymore?

You develop a compelling vision. Setting goals is not enough; it has to be something clear and accurate.

A friend of mine drew his goals. He literally drew the life he wanted on a piece of paper.

I prefer to write, so I wrote down what I want to have, what I want to do and who I want to be. This is the core.

I then set goals for the short and long term.

Finally, I always remind myself why I’m doing what I’m doing, so that I don’t get lost.

But this is not enough. I had done everything to get driven, but I was still struggling. I felt like something was wrong.

The reason is, I had some inner conflict that prevented me from making any progress. You can’t expect to make any progress if you have two opposite goals in mind.

Let’s take my example.

I wanted to do so many things that I ended up doing nothing. I wanted to build a business, make videos, write, learn design, read, workout and probably other things. You just can’t do everything, time is limited and so is your choices.

You want to build a business but still, have loads of free time.

You want to travel and live your life, but you don’t want to leave your family.

Those are inner conflicts that need to be solved.

Once you fix these conflicts and you’re at peace with yourself. You can move toward your goals and achieve anything you want.

Everything comes down to how bad you want it.

A lot of people want the stuff but don’t enjoy the process. I like the stuff too, but I prefer the process. This is what I enjoy.

I hope you finally understand how important a clear vision is and how powerful it can be. This is something that you have to work on everyday; you have to maintain the vision even when you’re in the worst phase of your life.

I genuinely think the only way to wake up excited is to know where you’re going and create a system to lead you to your life’s dream.

Thank you for taking the time to read. This post is part of a serie of daily post called "RAW"; I started writing daily posts to expose my content and receive feedback, so feel free to comment if you think anything is wrong. These daily posts are just my feeling at the moment, raw ideas fresh out of my mind.

