How to Work on the Important When You’re Too Busy Putting out Fires

Dr. Louise Schriewer
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2018


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

My coaching client*, a young man with self-described “workaholic” tendencies, confided that he had spent his workday putting out fires. 🔥 🔥 🔥 (And no, he wasn’t working as a firefighter.)

While he didn’t share his full to-do list with him, I assume that its length was beginning to rival Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” (Without the peace.)

And, he probably lost himself as often in his overcrowded email inbox as in the wife’s eyes.

In short, my client was pretty darn overwhelmed, and with good reason.

His experience is fairly typical for entrepreneurs living in the hectic 21st century.

Perhaps you can relate to the sense of constantly putting out fires at work.

Each day, you might confront your “to-dos” with the sort of bravery a knight needs while descending into the dragon’s den.

Photo by Henry Hustava on Unsplash

Yet despite your best efforts, maybe you often find that you can’t get through the mountain of “things to do” into the realm of the important. After dealing with all the different action items vying for your attention, you might…



Dr. Louise Schriewer
The Startup

Work Happiness Wizard for passionate souls & purpose-seekers. Lawyer/academic turned professional wizard (I mean, coach...).