How to Write an Impressive Business Plan

Attract new investors, convince stakeholders, and map your competitors by doing this.

Levi Borba
The Startup


Image by Prosperiguide

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Thanks to a good business plan, my company exists.

It helped me to gain all the permits and authorizations needed to start a business in a foreign country and also convinced investors that my project deserved their money.

Writing a business plan (BP) is not a quick thing. It has dozens, even hundreds of pages, charts, and financial prognostics. However, it pays off in the short and long term. Some of the benefits to reap from writing a BP are:

  • Obtain a deep insight into your local market demand
  • Understand your competitors
  • Gain the sympathy of the local government (I will explain how later).
  • Give a clear idea to your team about the targets of your firm.
  • Attract seed or new investors.
  • Discover flaws in your project, like short-funding or over-optimistic deadlines.

