How to Write Better; Improve Your Vocabulary With 5 Free Tools

If you are not a linguist or English is your second language, these free tools can help you write with a better vocabulary.

Maria Milojković, MA
The Startup


How to write better? Use good tools to improve your vocabulary
Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash

I remember the first English class I had at The Faculty of Philology in Serbia (Southeast Europe) when our lecturer Jonathan Pendlebury told us:

“Forget words good, bad, OK, and interesting. Try to find equivalent synonyms for them.”

But how? we freshmen thought.

God, it was hard to write in the Pre-Internet era. You spent so much time flipping through dictionaries. I hated it. I thought I would never become a translator.

Now I use online tools to make my sentences better. And natives do that as well.

Here’s what I work with to brush up my English so I don’t sound like a robot or a 10-year old:

Online Oxford collocation dictionary

Sometimes all you need is to check if 2 words go well together.

Online Oxford Collocation Dictionary | Screenshot by the author.



Maria Milojković, MA
The Startup

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