Earned Media and Thought Leadership

How to Write for VICE, in 4 Steps

Freelancers can pitch the brand and get paid for one-off submissions or reporting.

Nick Wolny
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJan 19, 2023


VICE aspires to “report on the underreported.” The parent company, VICE Media Group, fell $100 million short of its 2022 revenue target, but continues to maintain a large digital footprint. (Credit: aon168/DepositPhotos)

What do personal finance misinformation, world politics commentary, and a video of a dude having s*x with a donkey have in common? They’re all stories that have been covered by VICE Media.

Established in 1994, the Canadian media outlet has had many evolutions, including a seven-year partnership with HBO that led to subchannels like VICELAND and VICE News Tonight. VICE is known for digging deep on typically taboo topics, and the publication has won over the hearts of millions of viewers and readers over the years. VICE Media now publishes approximately 2,400 pieces of content a week in 25 different languages.

More importantly, a byline in VICE gives you instant cool points. Here’s what to know about how to write for VICE, along with four steps you’ll want to take if you hope to land a byline with them someday.

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What Topics Does VICE Cover?



Nick Wolny
The Startup

🏳️‍🌈 Gay dude. Mg. editor, CNET; finance columnist, Out magazine. Sign up for Financialicious, a newsletter some call “the gay Morning Brew,” @ nickwolny.com.