How (properly) wasting time at work increases productivity

Aytekin Tank
The Startup
Published in
7 min readOct 30, 2018


Originally published on JOTFORM.COM

If you’ve ever watched a professional tennis match, you know how much stamina the sport requires. From thigh slaps to squats to light jumps, players will do just about anything to maintain their high energy and laser-focus.

A crucial part of the match, however, occurs in the brief pause between games: the 90-second changeover break, when players rest before switching sides.

Watch closely, and you’ll see how players make the most of these precious moments: burying their heads under a towel to meditate, changing their racquets, or fueling up on water and energy drinks.

Some players, like the great Serena Williams, have even sipped a quick coffee before returning to the court.

Whatever their method, these pro athletes understand the value of a break. A brief reprieve can provide a fresh surge of energy and motivation for the next game.

Much like a tennis match, the workday can also be a daunting mental and physical challenge, especially if you want to perform your best throughout the day.

In addition to finding your optimal work hours, taking multiple breaks can increase your productivity all day long.

I’ll repeat that for emphasis:

Taking breaks can increase…



Aytekin Tank
The Startup

Founder and CEO of || Bestselling author of Automate Your Busywork. Find more at (contact: