How Your Brand Can Prepare for the First COVID Holiday Season

Nearly a third of consumers plan to start shopping earlier this year—start planning now.

Markairn T.
The Startup


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

Truer words have never been spoken. Christmas is just around the corner, and it is just one of many holidays that bring good cheer and begets positivity.

Holidays are dedicated to spending time with loved ones, and the best part of all— you get the perfect excuse to indulge in retail therapy.

Indeed, the spending aspect of holidays always leads to some of the biggest sales periods in the entire year. In fact, for the majority of brands, holiday shopping can either make or break their annual sales, with up to 80% of total revenue often generated in these special days of the year.

While the next major holiday is still three months away, it comes to a lot earlier for marketeers. That’s because you’ve got to take into account campaign planning, goal setting, marketing strategizing, content creation.

Furthermore, there’s another C-word that’s tagging along this year, although it’s pretty much the opposite of joy and happiness. Yeap, you probably guessed it—coronavirus.



Markairn T.
The Startup

The Marketing Average Joe | Freelance Writer | Professional Snacker. Follow me as I read about interesting stuff and talk about them.