HTML / CSS “frameworks” — Monuments to Ignorance, Incompetence, and Ineptitude.

Jason Knight
The Startup
Published in
10 min readJun 18, 2020


It has been plain as day for years to any of us qualified to actually write HTML that the jokers who created all of these “front end frameworks” — as well as those who continue to maintain them, advocate for them, promote them, and use them — are utterly and totally unqualified to flap their yap on the topic of web development. Much less write a single line of HTML. To be brutally frank when it comes to these “frameworks”

I realize that for many of you this is a shocking, harsh, brash, and even offensive statement, but it’s the truth. That they continue to be a “thing” people use is based more in propaganda, rhetoric, echo-chambers, and a general ignorance of the topic, than anything remotely resembling facts. Few if any of the claims about these “frameworks” — Bootstrap, Tailwind, w3.css, etc, etc — hold water and in most cases are bald faced LIES!

The Truth

Frameworks are NOT “easier” than vanilla code. They do NOT save you time. They do NOT make collaboration simpler or easier. Those are just the marketing blurb; wild unfounded “glittering generalities” that sound good and prey upon the hopes and dreams of nubes and rubes alike.

This is evident at every stage. Things like “easier” or “saves you time” falls apart when you…



Jason Knight
The Startup

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse