Growth Hack Design Thinking — by the Founders of

How to Growth Hack Design Thinking

Stefan Link
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2018


What does it require to create successful products? How to build up and grow a sustainable business? Are their techniques to increase my chance of business success?

Our journey began when we first discovered The Lean Startup by Eric Ries in 2011. This book was a milestone as it completely changed the perspective of how to build a business. Companies and entrepreneurs were used to write endless pages of a business plan, wasting time and money on building a product that nobody would buy. Customer-centric product validation with tools like the business model canvas was the new guide to success for your idea.

What we experienced soon after our discovery of the Lean Startup book was one other fundamental trend in the industry — Design Thinking. Today this buzzword is as present as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain or Big Data.

Google Trend of Design Thinking Searches

Design Thinking is spreading in an increasing pace into product development and is able to attach itself to a lot of things. I recently wrote an article, why Design Thinking is the next generation of project management. There are many different definitions of what Design Thinking is, the essence of it is: put customer problems first.

Putting customer needs in the center of all we do for them — wether it’s creating products or services — changed everything. It is a creative problem-solving process that uses elements from the designer’s toolkit like empathy & experimentation to arrive at new solutions.

This practice helps to minimize the uncertainty and risk of innovation by engaging customers or users through a series of prototypes to learn, test and refine concepts. Design Thinkers rely on customer insights gained from real-world experiments, not just historical data or market research.

We love Design Thinking

Why? Simply because it creates value — for humans. We believe every product, service, activity which has no purpose for someone is just a waste! We want to give back to others, innovation enthusiasts, people interested in entrepreneurship, companies in their digital transformation and just everyone else who wants to learn how to be more creative and successful with their product or service innovation.

Our eBook — Growth Hack Design Thinking

We do not just write about basic topics of “How to’s…” or “Why Design Thinking makes sense ..”. We want to examine advanced topics and business applications of the method because there is no doubt anymore that the it works. Just read the latest report from the Design Management Institute that has discovered an over 219% higher ROI of companies that have incorporated design practices in there operations.

We want to go one step further

“Growth Hack Design Thinking” will be about advanced tips and tricks we have discovered during our recent years in consulting and venture building.

During the next month we’ll frequently publish about the following topics:

  • Why now — Opportunity and History
  • How to find the right interview partner fast and keep them engaged
  • What are good KPIs for a design challenge?
  • Advanced tips and tricks on the Design Thinking steps
  • Result driven vs. method driven Design Thinking
  • Expert Interview
  • Best practices of companies applying DT
  • Best books and resources

The Personas in the book

  • The Innovation Manager or Consultant who’s goal is to create disruptive innovation out of his design challenges
  • The Design Thinking Coach or UX Designer who is looking for the best method and hacks
  • The entrepreneur who needs to drive his idea to go-to-market and scale-up fast and lean

So, even if you are learning or you do have experience, you can follow our steps and apply the learnings to your own project

  • Share insights, articles, and comments!
  • …Or maybe you can come up with your own articles?
  • Ask questions! We are happy to chat.
  • You might also disagree with some of the thoughts: That’s why we want you to disagree and discuss with us too!

Become part of the book

Our main goal for writing this book is to deliver value for the community. That’s why the best way to do this, is to create the content together with you!

  • Do you have an interesting story to share?
  • What was your biggest success/fail with Design Thinking or UX?

Help us to collect the best information and experiences! Every supporter will be mentioned as Co-Author after we’re going to publish this book.

Comment us on Linkedin or drop us an e-mail with your ideas or thoughts

When is it happening?

The series will be released during the next seven weeks. Follow our posts on our Pyoneer blog, on Medium, on LinkedIn or join the discussion on our Design Thinking and Lean Innovation Community at LinkedIn!

Sign up to receive the “Lean Innovation” story and updates from Pyoneer.


Stefan & Johannes

This story is published in The Startup, Medium’s largest entrepreneurship publication followed by 351,974+ people.

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Stefan Link
The Startup

Founder of #customer #feedback #analytics #cx #ai #automation #startup #saas