How to Write a Book in Under a Year

TJ Condon
The Startup
Published in
6 min readNov 25, 2019


My cat offering feedback during the writing process.

You may just be coming off the high of #NaNoWriMo or were recently hit by a burst of creative energy. “This is the year I will finally write a book,” you say to yourself. I’m here to tell you that you can. That said, while a journey begins with a single step, successfully completing a journey requires faith in yourself and a plan. Here are the 5 strategies I used when writing my book this year and lessons learned along the way:

#1: Make space in your life to write a book.

The foremost lesson I learned is that book writing is really an exercise in time management. You need to set aside real, actual chunks of time to do the work of meaningfully stringing together several thousand words. This is especially challenging to do at a time when most of us spend our time wishing that we had more time.

If you want to write a book, I suggest first looking at the things in your life that can’t go away. I suspect you have a full-time job. You may have children. You may be a student who has to go to class. You may also have other important commitments. These are the non-negotiable parts of your life. It’s the blocks of time around those when you’ll have to find your time to write.

What I Did: I set my alarm for 4:30 a.m., made a big cup of coffee, and wrote until 6 or 6:30 a.m. before…



TJ Condon
The Startup

Author of Some Assembly Required, a True Story of Love and Organ Transplants, published by Black Rose Writing in May 2021. Available at your favorite bookseller