I Bought a House from a Boat

You truly can invest from anywhere

Jordan Fraser
The Startup


Photo by Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash

I’ve never been someone that anyone would describe as rich.

I’ve never been the beneficiary of an inheritance, and I’m not even a particularly good saver. However this one time in 2013 I bought a tiny house in rural New Zealand while aboard the Disney Wonder (A cruise ship).


For an 8 month stretch in 2013 between working for Walt Disney World and Disney Cruise Line, I worked as a salesman for an insurance company.

During this time I lived in the kind of apartment that John Wick might forcibly enter and find dealers scrambling for their guns before being kicked to death.

The apartment has since been demolished, but living in a dirt cheap dealer-den did allow me to save my commission checks.

My money was building and I wasn’t spending it because I was home-depressed.
I’d just spent a year working at Walt Disney World and now wasn’t performing; the source of my only true happiness.

But I’d found another happiness, a bank account that was healthy for the very first time in my life.

On really sad days I’d open my banking app and just sit there refreshing the balance and see it re-confirmed that I had…

