I Contacted an Ex Ready to Be Hurt

“What hurts you, blesses you.” — Rumi

Mathias Barra
The Startup


Person hiding under pillows
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Four years ago, I was in a relationship that made me discover love. It wasn’t meant to be. It isn’t even the best relationship I’ve ever been in. But it was beautiful for a little while and for that single reason, I am thankful for it.

We had very different lives but our paths crossed one night and we ended up going out for about 8 to 9 months. We went through the honeymoon period first. But then routine and problems started arising. We let many of them pass and she broke it off one day.

It hurt for a while but I got over it and found a great girlfriend later. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out either but that’s a different story.

Recently, while talking to a common friend, I got to know this ex is going to move in with her current boyfriend. Somehow, instead of feeling hurt, I felt happiness. Her being happy made me smile. I didn’t feel jealous or anything. I was genuinely glad to hear such good news for her.

Later during the day, I thought back to that relationship. It felt like a lifetime away. But questions arose. What had gone wrong? What could have been better? What errors did I do and repeat in my next relationship? How was I a good person? How wasn’t I? What seemed like virtues in her eyes? What seemed like flaws?



Mathias Barra
The Startup

French polyglot speaking 6 languages. Writer. Helping you learn languages. Get my new ebook → https://linktr.ee/MathiasBarra