I cycled for Deliveroo in Amsterdam

Here’s how much I was paid and how far I cycled.

The Startup
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2019


I cycled over 4090km for Deliveroo in Amsterdam from Sep 2017 — Jul 2018.

How much cycling did I actually do?

My timeline data plotted showing my cycle path for 3 different shifts.

Since day one I completed 1405 deliveries. The most I did in one shift was 14.

I used Google timeline to track distance cycled while working.

I cycled 4090km since starting — an average of 22km per shift, and 3km per delivery.

The most I cycled in one shift was 44.6km, the shortest was 7.7km.

What was the weather like?

The Prinzengracht frozen over (2017)

Out of 184 shifts … 72 it rained. That’s about 40% of the time.

Most of my shifts were at peak times between 5pm-10pm too so that means I usually got the coldest time of day. Here are the stats I have on weather while working:

  • Rain days: 72
  • Snow days: 8
  • Warmest day: 14C
  • Coldest day: -9C
  • Subzero days: 21

Rain and snow are actually a blessing in disguise. It means there are less people out on the road to get in your way.

My wife and I exploring snow-covered Amsterdam.

Surprisingly, the temperature played zero part in getting tips — I worked for 4 hours on a -6C night (it wasn’t raining) and received ZERO tips all night. However on a relatively warm night when it was raining I received a lot of tips! People pity the rain, but they’re used to the cold.

How much did I get paid?

The base rate as a freelancer was €5 per delivery.

I found on average I could manage 3 deliveries per hour.

On top of the base there were also incentives — for example in winter I was paid €1 extra per delivery as well as bonuses for delivering certain amounts of orders i.e. do 75 orders this pay cycle (2 weeks) and get an extra €70.

So it was possible to make €15~ per hour. In reality I was making between €12.06/hr — €15.20/hr.

What about tips?

I only tracked the tips given through the app — I got about the same again, give or take, in cash. Tips from the app were paid at the end of each pay cycle with your pay packet. Every 2 weeks.

Since starting I got €551 in tips. Which is about €3~ per shift on average. Including cash tips it’s probably double that.

The most I got in tips from one shift was €13 (plus cash). The most I received from 1 customer was €7.

Overall thoughts and experience

My wife and I only had 12 months to explore and get to know Amsterdam. After working in an underground kitchen for a few weeks, I realised I wanted to spend my time outdoors, exploring, and meeting people. I wanted to really see Amsterdam. I also wanted to be able to drop everything and travel at a moments notice, because all of Europe was finally at our doorstep — a welcome change from Australia.

So I joined Deliveroo and it turned out to be an amazing decision. I got to explore and memorise all corners of the city. Every day I visited workplaces of every kind. I visited different suburbs observing peoples living arrangements and lifestyles.

I know Amsterdam now. I’ve seen the touristy centre, and its outer edges. I loved every moment of my time there and I’m grateful that I was able to work and be paid while exploring.



The Startup

Ex-Website developer at Virgin Mobile Australia.