Why Has Passion Become a Dirty Word?

Passion might seem illogical, but don’t knock what you don’t understand.

Sarah L Bromley
The Startup


Passion gets a bad rap these days. I’m always hearing people say things like:

“You shouldn’t look for your passion. Just work hard at something until that becomes your passion.”

“Instead of looking for your passion, look for a problem you can solve.”

“As soon as you make your passion your work, it stops being your passion.”

And I get it. The idea that we’re all born with something as ambiguous as ‘passion’ sounds a little-far-fetched. What would that even look like? A gene ensuring Person A is destined to write country music whilst Person B wants to research tropical diseases?

It sounds far more logical to say that people become interested in researching disease because of experiencing a tragedy when they were younger, whilst those who grow up in an environment surrounded by country music learn to love the genre. And, as a society, we love logical explanations.

Yet I refuse to believe that passion is nothing more than a product of our environment.

Let’s define passion

I think a lot of the debate around passion boils down to a fundamental…

