Revealing 7 Hacks You Can Use To Stop Procrastinating

Noah Merriby
The Startup
Published in
6 min readDec 11, 2019


Today, we’re going to kick procrastination away once and for all.

For those who already know who I am, there is no need to read this paragraph. For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Noah Merriby, I am a Best-Selling Author, Mentor, and Passionate Instructor who taught more than 100,000 students. Author of many Highest Rated And Bestselling Courses. Expert in Productivity, Personal Development, Psychology, Marketing And Behaviorism. I am an Internationally Recognized Awards Winning Speaker with more than 10 Awards in Public Speaking.

In this article, we are going to introduce procrastination and talk about some major concepts you need to learn. After understanding what procrastination is, we are going to explore different solutions you can use to escape the procrastination jail.

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is the art of avoiding necessary tasks and instead shifting the focus to more pleasant and satisfying ones. Procrastination is not entirely due to lack of self-motivation, laziness or incompetence. Scientifically-speaking, procrastination causes actual physical pain. The pain centers of the brain lights up when a procrastinator is on a dreadful task. When someone is confronted with pain, they don’t voluntarily approach but try to…



Noah Merriby
The Startup

Best-Selling Author, Mentor, and Passionate Instructor who taught more than 100,000 students.