I Found a Genuine Method To Gain Your First 1,000 Fans Fast

I started growing when I stopped making these mistakes

Martina D.
The Startup


We need to talk about your content. /Photo: Vital Sinkevich

Your first 1.

Your first 100. Your first 1,000.

So important, yet so equally hard to get.

It doesn’t matter where you’re building your presence.

I found a genuine method I believe is universal.

As soon as I started using it on Amazon and Tiktok for my books, and on Medium, my growth took off.

My Medium growth lately — the jump from around 40 a month is huge.

I use Tiktok to build a fanbase for some of my books.

And I don’t use their paid promos, so I was stuck on around 500 followers for a long time.

After removing the mistakes I was making, and working on this method instead, I’m now on 3,581 and getting a few new followers every day.

The main mistake to avoid when creating your content:

  • Advertising your products too soon
  • Advertising yourself too soon

I used to get this so wrong on Amazon and Tiktok.



Martina D.
The Startup

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://buildmomentum.substack.com