I Happily Keep 40 Tabs Open On My Browser

Clutter Can Work Miracles And Create Ideas

Erik Brown
The Startup


Photo by Kitai Jogia on Unsplash

“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” — Albert Einstein

Face it, neatness is the mantra of our modern day. Every day were buffeted by words such as “minimalism” and told of their value. Popular television shows explain to you how to declutter your living and work spaces. Empty space is the image the media gods show us as the ideal.

In the same light, organization and order are also sold to us. Countless articles are written on the benefit and beauty of bullet journals. Desk organizers are promoted as a way to achieve the nirvana of orderliness in your work area. We’re also given mantras that confirm the benefit of order.

  • “Clutter is nothing but postponed decisions.”
  • “A place for everything and everything in its place.”
  • “Organization is a journey, not a destination.”

Not only has this supreme push for order hit our homes and workspaces. It’s now being thrown at the desktop on our computer. Multiple tabs are now the weed to be cut down by the gardener of orderliness.

