I Love Writing But Sometimes It Doesn’t Love Me

When the urge to create feels more “force” than “flow”

Renee Rose
The Startup


Photo Credit: Image by PublicDomainPictures — 14 on Pixabay

I’ve spent the last 20 minutes of my work-day accepting LinkedIn connection requests when I should have spent it writing. I’ve always wanted to make a full-time career out of writing and ever since I was a small child, that’s what I’ve felt called to do with my life. As I worked day after day of my life away at a job that didn’t make me feel inspired or especially encouraged about my own talents, I craved the freedom that becoming a full-time writer would allow me.

Put simply, I just wanted to feel passionate about what I was doing with my life. As I sat at my 9–5 job in a crowded medical office without windows, I found myself yearning for the light. Soon, I decided to take the leap. I told myself it was now or never. If I wanted to feel content and fulfilled in life, I had to take a risk.

One year and roughly seven months after making my decision to pursue writing full-time, I’ve learned a few things about myself. For one, I still love writing. Even though I do it on a daily basis and often write about subjects that don’t particularly interest me on behalf of my clients, I still love crafting a piece of writing from the ground up.



Renee Rose
The Startup

Freelance Writer. Blogger. UFO enthusiast and lover of space. Email me at: reneerosefreelancing@gmail.com