I Published over 150 Stories on Medium — Here’s What I Learned

Whoever told you that success on Medium is easy lied.

Jazz Parks
The Startup


Photo credit: Glenn Carstens/Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for six months now, with over 150 stories published to date, hosted with thirteen separate publications, including Illumination, Illumination-curated, Curious, In Fitness And In Health, The Post-Grad Survival Guide, The Innovation, and so much more.

Being able to push out an average of 2–3 articles per day takes a lot of work, and ensuring that they’re quality pieces — even more so. Now, you don’t have to publish as much as I do necessarily, but that brings me to my first lesson.

If you’re new to Medium; write, a lot.

As I said, I’ve managed to push out around 2–3 articles per day since September. However, I took a break these last few weeks, where I noticed something utterly heartbreaking.

I’d normally average around a few hundred views per day. Yet, I almost dwindled to a measly 5–10 views per day without publishing anything new over the last few weeks. Heartbreaking.

Daily Views/ October



Jazz Parks
The Startup

I believe that life is about finding joy through passion, purpose, and being compassionate towards others.