I Survived My First Experience with Writing Criticism

Don’t go to Reddit for validation.

Jamie Hammond
The Startup


Photo by Josep Castells on Unsplash

I am not a writer. At least, I didn’t think I was. Then I did. Then I didn’t again.

Here’s what happened:

Initial Success and Unrealistic Expectations

I have been writing for one week. I’ve been thinking about writing and reading about writing now for years. I’ve been talking about it for a little less than that. And I finally, finally walked through my fear of vulnerability and after having my husband (a proven writer) proofread my work, I published my first article on Medium one week ago.

The first one did not get curated. As it turns out, no matter how much information I’d consumed about “How To Write a Great Medium Article” and “11 Things To Do In Every Medium Article,” asking for claps is not cool.

So, I tried again. That one did get distributed.



Jamie Hammond
The Startup

Content Creator and Speaker. I help professionals get un-stuck by helping them Speak, Grow, and Rise. Sign up for my email list: https://bit.ly/2N9BgUW