I want to like Windows and Android, but I keep coming back to Apple

Luc Delorme
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJan 2, 2020


The grass may look greener on the other side, but there are lots of weeds too.

Anyone who spends even a little bit of time with me quickly discovers how much of a technology and gadget fanatic I am. I started out my career as a hardware design engineer, and I still love that world. I’m headed to CES in Las Vegas next week, and I’m already excited to see all the new tech, from 5G to IoT to 8K OLED displays and so forth.

For my own personal use, I am generally drawn to the best performing hardware for my workload and workflow. For me, that’s mostly photography, with some number crunching and spreadsheet work.

Hardware-wise, the Windows / Android world wins

If I were to select a laptop that would do best for my needs today based on its hardware, the Dell XPS 15 seems to be the clear winner:

  • It has the same available 6 and 8-core CPUs as the new 16" MacBook Pro (MBP)
  • It has the same RAM and ultrafast NVMe storage options as the 16" MBP
  • It has a 4k OLED display that outperforms the MBP in every way
  • Both are about the same size
  • The Dell costs a lot less than the Apple machine.



Luc Delorme
The Startup

Licensed Professional Engineer in the telecom field, technophile, car enthusiast and amateur photographer.