I Wrote 100,000+ Words With AI. Here’s What I Discovered

This is how to write faster (without sounding like a robot)

Matt Giaro
The Startup


Image generated by the author using DALL E 3

As I’m writing this, there are only two types of writers.

Those who think that writing with AI is a scam (and that it can only spit out bland and boring content.) Then, those who see the potential but don’t know how to make it work for them.

When ChatGPT came out, I openly mocked it. I thought that it would never be able to write like humans.

Boy, was I wrong.

I’ve spent over 104 hours trying to make AI sound like me… And after seeing the results, I officially repented.

A robot can sound like you (sometimes, even better!)

“ChatGPT content is dull and tasteless.”

This is what even the most respectable writers say. I can’t blame them. Because I thought that too after playing around with stupid prompts like “hey bro, write a blog post about X.”

But I then discovered that there are ways to write prompts to make AI sound like you.

There are two ways to do it.

First, by feeding it with your previous writing. (That’s the easy method. But it can quickly eat up a lot of…



Matt Giaro
The Startup

6 Figure Creator. Helping experts turn their ideas into income with online content (in just 2h/day.) Start now 👉 https://mattgiaro.com/medium