I Wrote a Book with GPT-3 AI in 24 Hours — And Got It Published

In early 2021 I signed up for the GPT-3 beta program to see how good it is. A few days later I had co-authored Aum Golly — a book of AI poems on humanity. A few months later it was published. This is what it means for writers and publishers.

Jukka Aalho
The Startup


Aum Golly — Poems on Humanity by an Artificial Intelligence. Photo: Jukka Aalho

On January 30, 2021, I realized I was the weak link.

I had been working with GPT-3, the autoregressive language model from OpenAI for 2 hours. I was tired. My creative juices were running low. We had maybe 5 poems ready — out of the 60 or so poems we needed for the book.

I stared at the blinking cursor. GPT-3 was patiently waiting for my input.

To finish the project in the 24 hours I had given myself, I realized I had to change the way I wrote. I had to lean more into GPT-3. Let it do the heavy lifting.

Let go of my ego.

And that’s when things started to get a lot easier.

Update: Since the publication of this post in 2021, a lot has happened. The first Aum Golly was favorably received especially in Finland. In early 2023 the story continues:

Read the Medium sequel…



Jukka Aalho
The Startup

Writer | Marketer | TEDx Speaker | Creative Entrepreneur. Co-author of Aum Golly – Poems on Humanity by an Artificial Intelligence.