An Icon Classifier with TensorFlow Lite Model Maker

AI for Art and Design

Margaret Maynard-Reid
The Startup


Written by Margaret Maynard-Reid, ML GDE

This is part 1 of the Icon Classifier tutorial, in which I discuss how to make an icon classifier with the TensorFlow Lite Model Maker. In Part 2, I will discuss how to implement the model on Android (with TensorFlow Lite metadata, Codegen and ML Model Binding in Android Studio).

A recent new feature in TensorFlow Lite is the Model Maker that helps you to create a model easily. All you need is to supply the data - with just a few lines of code, an image or text classifier is created without much in-depth knowledge in machine learning.

In this tutorial let’s take a look step by step how to use the TFLite Model Maker to train an icon classifier. For details please see source code in Colab notebook on GitHub here.

Sketchnotes: an image classifier with TFLite Model Maker

Step 0. Installation

Create a new Colab notebook and pip install the TFLite Model Maker in the notebook:

!pip install git+git://[model_maker]

Step 1. Data preprocessing

There are a few scenarios of getting the data for model training:

  1. Create your own.



Margaret Maynard-Reid
The Startup

ML GDE (Google Developer Expert) | AI, Art & Design | 3D Fashion Designer