If You Learn to Write, You Can Change Your Life.

The secret is in the line.

Ali Mese
The Startup


The corpse was so well-preserved that they thought it was fresh.

6th of May, 1950, Denmark.

Local workers found a man completely submerged in peat, arranged in a fetal position. They named him the Tollund Man.

On his head was a cap. Around his waist, a belt. There was a leather noose around his neck. Apart from that, he was naked.

Following a forensic examination, scientists discovered 40 different grains in his stomach: his last meal.

This grisly trail of clues led to widespread public pondering.

Why was he naked? What’s with the mixed-grain porridge? And why did he have to die?

Some evidence gave conclusive answers: he died in the 4th century BC. He was roughly 40 years old.

But other theories emerged, too. That the man was a farmer who had been executed to appease the gods. The grains in his stomach were part of the sacrifice, to encourage crops to grow.

Or maybe he was just a wandering nudist in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We’ll never truly know.



Ali Mese
The Startup

Founder/Owner: Start it up + Curious + Geek Culture. I also write essays that help you get smarter at building your thing https://GrowthSupply.com