If You Make Unconventional Choices, Prepare to Face Backlash

Keep making those choices anyway

Alfie Jane
The Startup


Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

I understand the fear of trying something unconventional. I know the questions of, “What if this doesn’t work out?” or, “What if you can’t make enough money?” I get it. A person’s worried.

I get when parents ask them, “What if?” questions when they hear about their children’s choices. I get the worry. I understand when parents worry their kids’ decisions might not be the best ones.

But that’s the reality of making choices in your life that aren’t “normal.” People aren’t going to be encouraging all the time. More times than not, people are going to give you a lot of crap in hopes of dissuading you from going through with your life decisions.

Make them anyway.

A lot of their worries are valid, but that doesn’t mean you can’t succeed going down this path. It won’t be easy. But success will taste that much sweeter when you make these different choices.

You’ll work harder than you’ve ever worked in your life.

Nothing worth having comes easy. The reason certain things in life are considered unconventional is that not a lot of people do them. Things like living abroad or starting your own business.

