If You Want To Own Your Time, You Need To Start Making Money Online

It’s much easier when you’ve got a plan.

Bryan Dijkhuizen
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2024


Image by ANTONI SHKRABA on Pexels

I’m in between jobs.

But to be honest, I’m not looking for a job right now as I’m still studying. The money I earn comes from online writing.

The people around me have regular jobs and are spending hours working for someone else to earn their money. That made me realize that I don’t want that — I want to make and earn my own money.

I’ll only take a job that I really like, and I would never settle for less in my career.

Here’s why.

Don’t fall for the ‘get rich quick’ scams

When I first started trying to make money online, I was around 15 years old, and you might imagine that you come around the ‘get rich quick’ ads on the internet.

It takes you a while to realize that those techniques aren’t going to work.

There aren’t things such as free apps to make money by clicking on ads or downloading games.

The money is out there for everyone; you just need to know how to reach it.

Skip the shortcuts.

Build on your current job, then leave



Bryan Dijkhuizen
The Startup

Writing about the life of a neurodivergent creative in a neurotypical world. — https://bryandijkh.substack.com/