If Your Job Makes You Sad, Don’t Do It Anymore

Do you need mental health days? You probably need to change your career.

Emily Jennings
The Startup


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There is no force on this planet that should ever convince you to do something that is uncomfortable for a sustained period of time, especially at your job. Plenty of people will try to convince you that you need to experience pain in order to have a good outcome. There are messages coming at you from your friends, family, and the internet telling you that it’s normal to sort of hate your job. They are unhappy in their jobs, so why shouldn’t you be, too?

In the past few days, I have seen many headlines on various websites that are some variation of “how to stay happy at a job you hate” which lure me to click on them, but I don’t. Why? Because I already know that there’s nothing worse than a job that’s making you depressed, and my advice to anyone experiencing this is to get out.

There is no hack or mind trick you can do on yourself to be happy doing something when you aren’t enjoying it. Your soul yearns for something, and if your life path isn’t matching that desire, you will feel deeply unhappy. You simply cannot make your soul ignore the fact that you are going in the wrong direction with your life.



Emily Jennings
The Startup

Meditation Teacher, Psychic, and Twin Flame Coach exploring Consciousness, Oneness, and Spiritual Humor | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com