If Your Startup Is Struggling, There’s a 90% Chance It’s Because of One, Predictable Reason

Entrepreneurs are constantly making the same mistake, but you can’t easily recognize it unless you’re in the right position

Aaron Dinin, PhD
The Startup
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2023


Are you Sisyphus trying to push a boulder up a hill?

Greek mythology tells the story of the Sibyl at Cumae. According to legend, she was a woman who’d earned one wish from the gods, and she used it to wish for something lots of us would wish for: She wished for immortality. However, she forgot that Greek gods are notoriously cheeky, and, since she didn’t specify that she also wanted immortal youth, she withered with age until she was small enough to fit inside a jar.

Despite her diminutive size, the Sibyl at Cumae was widely regarded as a prophet who’d been blessed with a divine vision that allowed her to see the future. This reputation attracted people all over the ancient world to travel to her remote, mountainside cave in order to ask their most important questions.

But the Cumean Sibyl wasn’t really able to predict the future. Instead, her abilities were simply a byproduct of living a long time. In other words, the myth is arguing that human behavior is so beholden to specific patterns that, if someone were to live long enough, they could literally predict the future just by having seen…



Aaron Dinin, PhD
The Startup

I teach entrepreneurship at Duke. Software Engineer. PhD in English. I write about the mistakes entrepreneurs make since I’ve made plenty. More @ aarondinin.com