I’ll Never Forget the Day a VC Made Me Feel Like an Idiot

Are you being an idiot during your fundraising pitches, too?

Aaron Dinin, PhD
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 23, 2022


Image courtesy Inzmam Khan via Pexels

Humans have a funny habit of underestimating the things we don’t understand. For example, consider a sport like NASCAR. Lots of uninformed observers will ask, “How is that a sport? It’s just people driving in circles.” What those people don’t appreciate is that driving cars near the peak of their physical limits is very different from daily driving. When you’re driving a car at 200 mph, seemingly minor details — like the changing weight of the gas in your tank or the temperature of the asphalt — can literally be the difference between life and death.

In the entrepreneurial world, something similar happens with venture capitalists. Maybe not the “life and death” part, but venture capital is a much more complex industry than most entrepreneurs tend to realize.

Count me among those entrepreneurs who, in his early days of building startups, didn’t appreciate the complexity of venture capital. I thought all VCs were the same: I thought they were people with tons of cash searching for the “the next Mark Zuckerberg.” I was supposed to be that exciting young entrepreneur — someone who could “razzle-dazzle” my way into getting investments using a slick pitch and lots of enthusiasm.



Aaron Dinin, PhD
The Startup

I teach entrepreneurship at Duke. Software Engineer. PhD in English. I write about the mistakes entrepreneurs make since I’ve made plenty. More @ aarondinin.com