I’m a Failure

And Proud of It

Rachel Steinman
The Startup


I’m failing like never before in my life and yet I’m more inspired and motivated than ever.

I’m reframing the idea of failure and shame. I’ve decided to see my failure as something to be proud of. My failed attempts mean I’m trying, I’m growing and I’m moving forward. Instead of feeling broken from all the “No’s,” I’m choosing to look at my small and big failures the way the Japanese look at broken pottery.

In Kintsugi pottery the cracks are filled in by precious metal; pieces bonded with gold. The unique character flaws, the scars, add to the beauty and depth.


I’m failing more because I’m not playing it safe. I’m taking chances and green-lighting myself. I’m stepping directly into fear and coming up against roadblocks I won’t let stop me. I’m taking risks by putting myself out there, but I’m also trying my best.

In “Daring Greatly” Brene Brown says, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want…



Rachel Steinman
The Startup

Host of “Dear Family,” the Podcast, Writer, Educator, and Mental Health Advocate https://writenowrachel.com/