The Importance of Soft Skills in Software Development

How neglecting them might cost you in the long run

Albert Kozłowski
The Startup


Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Many younger developers (including my younger self) underestimate the role that soft skills play in their jobs. Focusing only on technical skills seems more compelling especially at the beginning of a career. After all, it is much easier to measure progress and gain a better paid position when one knows new programming languages or frameworks, as opposed to trying to market skills that are not easily quantified. However, underestimating soft skills may also lead to problems, especially when trying to communicate within the company. From this perspective, written and verbal communication become essential skills to have especially as one gains seniority. For instance, technical leads should not only have the ability to convey technical solutions at different levels, but also need to be able to inspire teams, and communicate the business viability of said solutions.

Having said so, I made the mistake of heavily underestimating soft skills at the beginning of my career as a Software Developer over ten years ago.

Back then I was spending most of my free time reading about design patterns, new frameworks, and working on side projects. While this landed me relatively quickly in a position where I was leading technical…

