If You Want to Go Viral Then Focus More on Quantity — Than Quality

Going viral depends on many different parameters and not all of them can be controlled by you — except quantity

Nishi Kashyap
The Startup


Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

“How to make your content viral?” is a million-dollar question.

When it comes to “how to market your content?” there are 2 types of ways: publish multiple pieces of content per day, or publish quality content 2 or 3 times a week.

So, which one is more relevant in making content go viral on the internet?

You may think it’s quality…but wait!

Don’t just choose yet. First, hear me out.

Quantity leads you to quality

The main problem in content creation is Quality v.s. Quantity — Which one should be given more attention to and which one not?

Whether it’s in books, articles on the internet, tips from writers, we always find ourselves hearing about how the quality of the content comes first. How quality is more valuable than providing content on a set, high-frequency schedule?

That in terms of importance, quality is a close runner-up.



Nishi Kashyap
The Startup

Mystique Writer: tech, coding, life, self improvement, money and much more. Love to Laugh & Read and obviously SLEEP😴