How to Personalize Onboarding to Increase User Retention

Most SaaS products will drop a 14-day “onboarding” campaign in your email inbox. Is that the best way to retain users though?

Aris Pattakos
The Startup


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

If you’ve ever used a SaaS product, then you’re more than likely familiar with the typical 7-14 day onboarding drip campaign. On the 2nd day, you’ll get some basic tips. Then the emails will share new & more advanced concepts. And when you’re reaching the 14th day, the emails will start pushing you to convert with trial expiration messages.

At my own company, we were wondering if that is the best way to get users on board our product. Initially, we set up a 14-day campaign exactly like the one I’m describing. Whenever a user starts a trial, they start receiving a sequence of emails that introduce them to most features, and towards the end, we try to convert them.

Aside from the fact that this campaign didn’t work as well as we hoped, there were many concerns that I had from a human perspective.

  • Some users are more advanced and figure things out on their own. They don’t need most of the tips.
  • Many of the emails try to make the user do something. What if they’ve already performed that action?
  • Will the content be…

