INS and ANON– The Crypto King’s Top Picks

Crypto King
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2018

My prior 2 “Top Picks” TRIG and VIBE both trended North more than 100% in the 72hrs that followed my highlighting their ‘best’ attributes. Profits should always be rotated and finding the next needle in the haystack is as important as finding the prior one. At multiple points in the last week TRIG and VIBE were pushing 200% and 300% gains. ANON and INS should easily rival VIBE and TRIG’s % returns for a plethora of reasons listed below.

I have spent the last 5 months very hard at work building a team of developers, tech, and advisors for my personal project ANON. This makes me a bit bias for obvious reasons.

However, the 2 coins likely to see the highest returns in the next short term (days to weeks) are INS (trading on Binance) and ANON (trading on Tradesatoshi and Safe.Trade).

If you are more concerned with partnerships, utility, and being a top 10 crypto, XRP would be my pick given their integration with many of the top financial institutions world-wide. However, XRP’s returns will likely be far less than ANON or INS in the immediate short term.


At INS’s all time high INS was trading at over $10. Currently at $.35, reaching the $1-$2 range could easily happen in the short term providing 300%-500% returns. This would still leave INS down 80% overall (similarly to the rest of the market since January).

However, INS’s all time high has nothing to do with why it should excel currently. INS is trading on Binance and OKEx, two of the hardest exchanges to get listed on. This means their project is far more than conceptual.

INS has promised by the end of quarter 4 (within 3 months) their platform will be live. This means INS will go from a coin with no purpose to one with real life utility.

Their team is made up of professionals from Goldman Sachs, Harvard Business School and IBM. Did I mention their partners in crypto include: Civic, Bancor, Wings, Ambrosus, and Blockchain Ventures. Not only does INS have a killer team and great crypto partners but they also have seen significant interest from world-wide manufacturers: Borjomi, Calgon, Vanish and many more.

Why buy consumer goods from Amazon or the grocery store when you can circumvent both and save a significant amount of money? That is where INS comes in and their platform will be live VERY shortly (by the end of Q4). The time to purchase a coin with a real life use case is not when the use case is implemented, but well before to enjoy the market run up. For a coin with a market cap under $10 million this should be an easy 2–5x in the immediate short term.

If I were to highlight 1 coin to provide the highest returns for being the most undervalued, it would be INS. It seems the market is already moving on INS.

INS target price $1.00-$2.50, in as soon 3 days or as long as 60 days (closer to 72hrs in my opinion).


Besides ANON being my baby there is actually fantastic news surrounding it this week. The fork was a complete success on September 10th and now post fork work has begun.

Masternodes are returning over 1000% annually currently which means your masternode pays for itself in ANON almost monthly!

ANON has already begun trading at Tradesatoshi and Safe.Trade and trading commences on Cryptopia Monday morning. It is HIGHLY recommended if you are interested in MNs or ANON to accumulate prior to the Cryptopia listing. The ANON team, myself included, are focused on attaining 1 or 2 top 10 exchanges post fork now that ample funds have been reserved for such and may leave the choice to the Masternode holders on how on how to spend them!

ANON is listed on CoinGecko and Blockfolio (and will soon be listed on CoinMarketCap). The team also solidified an important use case for mass adoption by partnering with General Bytes. This will allow ANON to be purchased at crypto ATMs all over the world!

ANON’s advisors have remained diligent and committed through months of turmoil and are ready to help propel ANON to the next level. Ran Neu-Ner of CNBC Crypto Trader and Steven Nerayoff have stood by and continued to provide helpful advice and open their network to the team. We couldn’t be more appreciative of what they’ve done!

Mining pools are already set up and a 1 click masternode function will be available within the week! Our bounty 2.0 was launched this week and the community could not be more excited!

The prospects of ANON post fork are continuing to seem better and better. At under $2.00 and with the goal of reaching the Top 10 Cryptos it seems ANON has plenty of room for growth. If I wasn’t the founder I would be more bullish on ANON, however, it seems like a fantastic short term, and long term play. ANON’s team has spent the week networking in Singapore with some of the top exchanges in Asia…what will the next few weeks entail?

The best part about the next few months for ANON…a token burn will take place January 1 of all the unclaimed tokens. The team predicts this amount to be over 10 million tokens of the 30 (approx.) million in circulating supply. This means the value of individual tokens should appreciate by approximately 30% January 1, 2019. However, the even more exciting news is that the ANON team will let the MN holders decide what to do with the burnt tokens. Should they all be burnt to raise everyone’s ANON value? Or should they be deposited into the Masternode fund for anything for more exchange listings to advertising? The MNs will vote! For now they will be burned unless the MNs decide otherwise!

ANON target price $2.20-$3.50, in as soon 2 days or as long as 60 days (based on when a new exchange is announced, partnership, or when people realize the ridiculous MN returns).

To read the King’s prior articles, to find out which ICOs he currently recommends, or to get in contact directly with the King, you can on Twitter (@JbtheCryptoKing) or Reddit (ICO updates and Daily Reports). The King is the founder of ANON and actively trades cryptocurrencies.

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