Inspiring Teams Through Uncertainty

Actionable strategies for maintaining a productive and inspired workforce through these uncertain times

Lia Garvin
The Startup


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

With all that is going on in the world right now, it is no surprise many people are on edge. We are entering new territory in how we work, and more importantly how we interact with other people. We’re stepping away from our travel, our conferences, our gatherings in groups, and having to question everything we took for granted up to a few weeks ago. And everyone, in the entire world, is impacted.

If we’re managing teams, a lot of people are coming to us for answers. While we don’t know what will happen, there is more we can offer our teams than just reminding people to wash their hands for 30 seconds (which we all should be doing). Here are a few tips I’ve been sharing with the teams I work with, that I wanted to offer to you as well.

Recognize we all deal with uncertainty differently

The first place to start is to recognize that everyone deals with uncertainty in a different way. While one person might make light of the situation by bringing a case of Corona’s into the office, another person might withdraw and become very quiet. Meet with your team members 1:1 to understand how they manage uncertainty…



Lia Garvin
The Startup

Sr Design Program Manager @Google & Leadership Coach. Passion for organizing groups into inclusive, happy, and effective teams. Previously at Apple & Microsoft.