Instagram Hashtags — Everything You Need to Know

Eduardo Morales
The Startup
Published in
18 min readMar 8, 2020


Do hashtags seem like they aren’t working for you lately but you don’t know what to do next? Well, you’re not alone. For most casual Instagram users, understanding how hashtags work, how their effectiveness has changed, and how they should be used moving forward has been an increasingly frustrating endeavor. What makes matters worse is that it seems like every article out there gives different, conflicting advice and everyone has a different opinion about “how to use hashtags right”.

In my opinion, any sound Instagram advice should be given based on the principles of how the platform works, not on intuition, so in this article, I’ve made an effort to apply that reasoning to the most common hashtag-related questions.

What do hashtags do? Why use them? Are they still effective? How do you know if they are creating value for you? How to use them effectively? What are the best hashtags to use? How do you find them?

Here are the answers to all of your hashtag-related questions, based on how the Instagram platform works (you can learn about everything…



Eduardo Morales
The Startup

@pinlord 📌 @potteryforall 🌱 & @macramemakers 🍶on Instagram. Demystifying how Instagram works👌🏽 Follow for updates: