Installing OpenSSL on Windows 10 and updating PATH

Nintendo Engineer
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2020


Photo by Ugne Vasyliute on Unsplash

I recently discovered a convoluted way to build an iOS .ipa package without using a MacBook. It involves many steps, one of which is using OpenSSL for Windows. Instead of creating one huge blog post with all steps defined in detail, I decided to split them up in bite-size articles. This is one of them. Here I will teach you to do the following:

  • Install OpenSSL
  • Add OpenSSL to your PATH

Install OpenSSL

This step is a simple one. Simply choose the version that applies to your PC from here. As example, I chose the Win64 OpenSSL v1.1.1g MSI (not the light version) from the table:

The download table for OpenSSL

Run the EXE or MSI with default settings till completion and that should take care of installing OpenSSL!

Add OpenSSL to your PATH

Why do we want to do this? First off, it’s not a necessity, it just makes it more convenient to use OpenSSL from the command line in the directory of your choice. After the initial install, the openssl.exe is only available from the directory where it resides, namely:




Nintendo Engineer
The Startup

Geotechnical Engineer by education, .NET Developer by trade, Nintendo fan by design. Find me on Discord: NintendoEngineer#3083