Invisibility is only good for ghosts: take off the cloak and live your best life

Karen Kay
The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2019


Photo by Larm Rmah on Unsplash

My favorite disappearing act is when Harry Potter uses the invisibility cloak to roam the premises of Hogwarts unnoticed. And lately, that’s how I feel. Well, not like Harry Potter, nor like roaming a sorcerer’s castle — but instead like I’ve got this invisibility cloak and can’t figure out how to take it off. I can see which way I’m going, but as I step towards a path, the cloak gets in the way and rubs out my direction.

Are you disappearing too?

Here’s the thing… there are certain things that we do that make us pull our invisibility act on ourselves, and we don’t even notice.

Here are five ways you are keeping yourself in the dark.

Lack of self-care

Photo by Arthur Savary on Unsplash

When we don’t take care of ourselves, we begin to forget who we are. If we aren’t paying attention to our intrinsic and extrinsic needs, we can quickly lose touch with the messages our bodies are sending us. Self-care is primordial for us to tap into our mental and physical wellbeing.

As the generous and loving beings that we are, it’s easy to spend all our time…



Karen Kay
The Startup

I write to explore fear, courage and growth. I help others bibbidi bobbidi boo words so they don’t have to, even past midnight.