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iOS Interview Prep Guide: 30-Day Code Challenge in Swift — Week 3/5

Michael T. Ho
The Startup
Published in
11 min readMay 4, 2020


Following the previous articles — Week 1/5 and Week 2/5, we will continue diving into iOS technical interview preparation with the third week of the 30-day code challenge.

Developers who would like to practice by themselves, feel free to take advantage of my Github repo, which includes solutions and unit tests for the 30-day code challenge.

The below topics are the 7 programming questions of the week that we are going to cover in this article.

  1. Product of Array Except Self (Solution)
  2. Valid Parenthesis String (Solution) 🥇
  3. Number of Islands (Solution) 🥈
  4. Minimum Path Sum (Solution)
  5. Search in Rotated Sorted Array (Solution) 🥉
  6. Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal (Solution)
  7. Leftmost Column with at Least a One (Solution)

(🥇 🥈 🥉 indicate writer’s selection of high-frequency interview questions.)

Product of Array Except Self

Description: Given an array nums of n integers where n > 1, return an array output such that output[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i]

