Do You Find Coding Difficult?

The Startup
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2020

Coding is not my cup of tea ” is what I hear most people saying. Through this article I am going to share with you the step by step process of how I learnt coding. Read till the end as I am going to provide you with resources as well , from where you can learn to code.

In my experience the biggest myth about coding is that it is difficult by nature , which is not. Coding is just like any other field. If you take the time and have a little patience, you can really learn just about anything–coding is no exception. In the beginning everything looks hard. Becoming a guitarist is hard. Becoming a painter is hard. But when we practice it consistently , it becomes easier. It’s the same with coding.

Let me share with you a new perspective on coding. I bet this perception will make coding a lot easier for most of you who find it difficult. It’s very similar to learning a new language and writing sentences with it. Just like writing “Hello World” in French is “ Bonjour le monde ” , it’s print(“Hello World”) in python. Which one looks easier ? I bet python. So without wasting anymore of your time, I will tell you step by step how you can start coding.

  1. Choose a language :- According to me it will be best if you start with python as it s one of the most commonly used programming languages today and is an easy language for beginners to learn because of its readability. Also , day by day its becoming more popular in both technical education and business use.
  2. Start learning alphabets of the language :-

Just like English has alphabets as the smallest building block for any word or sentences , similarly programming languages has variables , operators , strings, arrays etc.

3. Start forming words with the language and understand its meaning :- By using the letters you’ve learnt in step 2 , start forming small blocks of code using if-else , loops etc. But before that get some small piece of code with explanation and try to understand the concept , it’s working. This is just similar to how you use to join letters to form a word then learn what it meant. Once you are done with it , go to , start solving the easy level questions. Don’t give up when your are stuck with any problem , try to find the solution instead.

4. Use words to form sentences :- If you’ve done step-2 and step-3 thoroughly , framing sentences won’t be a big problem. You just to have to combine few basic blocks to make a bigger block of code. The same rule follows — learn through examples and then practice. Slowly you can shift to the medium level programs on hackerrank.

5. Start writing essays / articles :- Now it’s all about how much effort you put in practicing because now the level of problems you will solve are difficult for which you have to write big codes. What I do whenever I encounter such situation is I create a story of the problem and it’s solution. I keep repeating the solution in my mind , trying to convert it into codes. Let me explain you with an example. Consider a problem where you have to check whether a number is even or not. There’s one operator “%” called modulus ( not percentage) that mean remainder. So 15%2 = 1. Now , this is how I start thinking. First , what is an even number ? A number divisible by 2 i.e. the remainder on dividing by 2 will be 0. So now I calculate the remainder using “%” ( a % 2 ; a be a number) and then we have to check if it is 0. So if( a % 2 == 0 ) we call it as even.

This were the 5 steps I followed to learn coding from a very basic level to advance. But again PRACTICE ! PRACTICE ! PRACTICE !. It will only help you in gaining mastery in your language. And as I said , I have shared the resource links from where you can go start your journey in coding right now.

Python :-


C ++ :-

C :-

I hope I have made coding little bit easier for you all to understand. If you enjoyed this article, I’d be very grateful if you’d help someone by sharing this it and giving it a like. Also , if you want me to write some more on this topic comment below. Thank you!

