Is Memoir Writing Women’s Work?

Francesca Singer
The Startup
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2019


If not, then why the man-shaped hole in the memoir canon?

pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

When women hit 40, something amazing happens: women around you begin to reveal their closeted desire to write a memoir. Some of them are already writing them; others still coaxing the courage to conjure the ghosts from deep within. But they all want to write their story.

I have many questions about why women who have had successful careers, families, and trajectories with no relationship to professional writing suddenly want to spill their blood across the page, memoir-style.

My first question is, naturally, "Is everyone's life interesting enough to warrant a memoir?" To which everyone knows the answer:

Yes, to each self, the self's own story is a marvel.

But another, more stubborn, nagging question tugs at my mind. Why don't any of the men I know want to write a memoir? Why in the hell aren't more men writing memoirs– they certainly seem to think enough of themselves. (My British husband assures me that memoir-writing is an upper-class male hobby in classist Britain).

The answer was staring me, smugly in the face. I just had to join an online memoir writers group to find it (because, hello, obviously, I am writing a memoir myself, lol). Ready? Drumroll, please.



Francesca Singer
The Startup

Freelance Writer. Feminist former farmer. American immigrant in France. Dangling in the middle of the endless tug of war between tragedy and comedy.