It Doesn’t Matter How Many Side Hustles You Have — If You Can’t Sell

You’ll never be “discovered.” You have to market and sell yourself.

Zulie Rane
The Startup


Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Here’s a tough truth I ignored for a long time: it doesn’t matter how good you are what you do if nobody else is watching.

For a long time, I hated the idea of selling. I wanted to create pure, innocent, sleaze-free content and have it magically discovered by a rapt and loving audience who’d shower me with income without me having to do any dirty sales.

Platforms like YouTube and Medium played into this delusion. Thanks to their distribution model, it was easier to believe that fraudulent fantasy for a while.

But after three years of writing, I can tell you this: not only is the easiest way to make money fast is to sell something valuable you’ve created to an audience who trusts you. But it’s also the only real way.

Your blog post, or video, or copywriting skills can be the best on the planet. But unless you persuade other people of that, nobody is buying.

The unspoken secret in all those “how to earn money online” videos and blog posts



Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.