It Will Never Be Perfect. But You Need To Move Forward Anyway

Waiting until perfect means you will miss out on great.

Deb Knobelman, PhD
The Startup


I have a consulting client that I’ve been talking to for months.

Well, they are not technically a client right now.

It is a company that I have worked with in the past. A small startup with limited funds. A great group of people. Who definitely need help.

Because of their limited funds, they are very concerned with how to spend them. As a finance person, I understand and respect this. It’s a very responsible approach to business.

Yet, their prudence is slipping away from thoughtful and into detrimental. They first reached out to me in October. They had a specific need. I have experience. We’ve worked well together in the past. There was a flurry of emails, a few phone calls. They needed to make sure there was enough room in their budget for my fee (not cheap). Great.

About a week of silence passed. And then another round of emails, and questions. Then the holidays hit, and they told me I was still on the radar but they were busy. Then right after the first of the year, they started to feel the panic that many biotech companies feel before one of our industry’s biggest conferences, which happened January 7–10.

