It’s Your Life. Here’s How To Live It Passionately and Authentically.

Anna Klawitter
The Startup
Published in
5 min readDec 7, 2019


Photo by Jorge Vasconez on Unsplash

What even is the purpose of life? Specifically, what is the purpose of your life? What gives your life meaning? Is the aim of each individual life, something that was borrowed from others? Are we merely copies of other copies; have you bought into the supposedly glorious purpose that other people insist should be yours?

I often sit quietly, pondering why in the world I am on this Earth. If I was to boil everything down, I’m simply a constructed mass of bones, held together by muscles and skin, sitting on a huge rock that’s swirling around a ball of fire. If I think for long enough the futility of life hits me. I could quickly take the negative points of my miserable existence and come to the conclusion that nihilists are right. I could adopt their mindset and believe life has no meaning, purpose, or value. If I was to look at everything through the lens of nihilism, you and I have no inherent purpose. We may as well go hide away in a dark, dark cave and die a lonely death. But I believe there’s more to life than that.

Recently, a friend introduced me to the podcast Philosophize This! I had heard of existentialism before, but I had never been introduced to the concept in the way Stephen West (the host) described it.



Anna Klawitter
The Startup

Writing style? No one cares. Write so they choose to.