I’ve been Handwriting my New Novel and Here’s What I’ve Learned so Far

My motivation doesn’t have to stop when my laptop battery is running low or when I’m on the go and can’t take it with me.

Jenna Goldsmith
The Startup


Photo by Kat Stokes on Unsplash

This past June I finally finished my first ever real novel. It was 83k words long, it had a decent plot and good characters. But it took me so long to write and I was determined not to take so long (at least with my first draft) the next time.

So I decided I was going to get a notebook and write my next book all by hand. No word count goals, no chapters, just the words, the story, and me.

I’ve been doing it for a couple of months now and I’ve learned a few things…

I don’t need to obsess about word count

While most genres have a general word count that writers should strive for, I decided I wasn’t going to worry about trying to hit a target.

