Jay Clouse’s $2.1M Creator Success: A Study of His 10-Year Journey (And What It Can Teach You)

Jay’s success is hard to believe — unless, of course, you’re Jay

Scott Stockdale
The Startup


Image from juicyideas.co/jay-clouse/

“Just because your writing hasn’t got many claps or views, it doesn’t mean it’s sh*t.” — Scott Stockdale

I wrote this line two years ago.

It was a reminder that you shouldn’t judge an article until you’ve read it. There may be nuggets of gold inside.

Jay Clouse’s early blogs are great examples of this.

Some of Jay’s Medium posts are over ten years old, and many have zero claps. I doubt more than a hundred people have ever read them:

Screenshot from Jay’s profile on Medium

So why should we pay attention?

Well, Jay is now one of the world’s most successful content creators.

He’s the founder of Creator Science, and his creative pursuits have made him over $2.1 million since 2017:



Scott Stockdale
The Startup

Writer & SEO Instructor | 1M+ views on Medium | Host of Entrepreneurs Can Party 🎉 scottstockdale.co.uk