John Frusciante Rejoins Red Hot Chili Peppers: What About The Other Guy?

He should remember he’s going to feel worse before he feels better

Michael B. Wharton
The Startup


Josh Klinghoffer has already had his worst week ever. Today is only Tuesday.

He played guitar for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He was the youngest person ever admitted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He was only 32 at the band’s 2012 induction. That was on Saturday.

The Chili Peppers fired him on Sunday. His replacement? John Frusciante. The man Klinghoffer replaced ten years ago.

He confirmed the news to fans, one of whom tweeted, “Josh is happy for them,” meaning the Chili Peppers. Marbelle, or, at least, that was their Twitter handle, added, “I’m sure he’s hurting though. We will be there for him.”

What does “being there for him,” look like from this altitude? How does one think one’s way past this level of unthinkable?

The Stoics Always Prepare For The Worst

This school of thought is a good place to start. Students took their lessons on the porch or the (stoa piklē) of the Agora, in Athens. That was the genesis of the word stoic. Their definition is identical to ours.



Michael B. Wharton
The Startup

Editor of Bold, Abundance and Stealing Fire. Has written for xlr8r and Role Reboot. Formerly NIH, Aol and Revolution Health.